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Chris M. Blackshare

Chris Blackshare joined Gjerset & Lorenz, LLP in 2017. Mr. Blackshare focuses his work on Medicaid reimbursement programs and provides specialized, analytical support to the Firm’s clients. Mr. Blackshare assists providers with establishing eligibility for participation in government reimbursement programs and identifies opportunities for clients to expand program participation while maintaining compliance with federal and state healthcare regulations. Mr. Blackshare has experience in various government reimbursement initiatives throughout several states and performs program-specific analyses on the following:

Quality Incentive Programs:

  • Assists in the collaboration between participating hospitals, the state Medicaid agency and its contracted Medicaid managed care organizations (MCOs) to improve the quality of care throughout the state and to achieve the long-term goals of the program.
  • Participates in the coordination of program initiatives and regular reporting activities between each party involved. Specifically, Mr.Blackshare:
    • Works with participants to report on achievement of intermediate goals and improved quality outcomes, including:
      • Assistance in preparation of materials for reporting quality measure achievement;
      • Educating participants regarding collection and submission of patient data to determine quality outcomes;
      • Analysis of participant data to determine achievement;
      • Identification of eligible beneficiaries to include in reporting; and
      • Aggregation of participant data for preparing statewide reports on quality measure achievement.
    • Works with the state Medicaid agency and MCOs to streamline the periodic reporting of participant achievement, including:
      • Assessment of system-wide participant data for reporting statewide quality measure achievement;
      • Evaluation of the aggregate statewide participant reporting tailored specifically for each MCO; and
      • Coordination of the regular program reporting submissions to the state and MCOs, following state deadlines/timelines.

Medicaid Disproportionate Share Hospital (DSH) Programs and Section 1115 Waivers:

  • Analyzes the impact on government reimbursement resulting from:
    • Operational and policy changes within hospitals;
    • Consolidation or deconsolidation of hospitals within healthcare systems; and
    • Proposed acquisitions of hospitals by healthcare systems.
  • Prepares reimbursement projections for hospitals for fiscal budgeting and accounting purposes.
  • Performs strategic analysis of patient-level data to extrapolate information necessary for self-reporting.
  • Synthesizes analyses for the reporting of uninsured costs, state and local government program revenue, charity care and out-of-state Medicaid utilization for qualification and participation in Medicaid reimbursement programs.
  • Prepares audits of supplemental payment programs and oversees communications with the state regulatory agencies and state contractors performing the examinations.
  • Reviews statewide Medicaid claims data to assess the reimbursement impact of changes in Medicaid utilization.
  • Analyzes collaborations between multiple hospital systems to support local initiatives that strategically address healthcare needs.
  • Facilitates coordination between governmental entities applicable to their participation in reimbursement programs supported by intergovernmental transfers (IGTs).


  • Texas State University, Bachelor of Business Administration, Finance, 2009